Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
The composition of the Board of Directors is the following:
- Constantine Gontikas, Chairman of the BoD, independent non-executive member
- Dimitrios Andriopoulos, Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
- Nikolaos – Ioannis Dimtsas, executive member
- Anna Chalkiadaki, executive member
- Olga Itsiou, executive member
- Despoina Dagtzi Giannakaki, executive member
- Michail Anastasopoulos, executive member
- Emmanouil (Manos) Pelidis, non-executive member
- Nikolaos Charitos, independent non-executive member
- Polyxeni (Xenia) Kazoli, independent non-executive member
Download the Curricula Vitae of the members of the board of directors, and DIMAND’s Suitability Policy (in Greek).
BoD Reports
Download the BoD Reports (available in Greek) on the following links.
Codified Articles of Association
Download DIMAND’s Codified Articles of Association (available in Greek) on the following link.
Internal Regulation
Download the summary of DIMAND’s Internal Regulation (available in Greek).
ARCELA Internal Regulation
Download the summary of ARCELA’s Internal Regulation (available in Greek) on the following link.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee has been established in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of L.4449 / 2017 (article 44) as updated with L.4706 / 2020. The Audit Committee aims to support the Board of Directors of the Company in order to supervise the process of statutory audit and financial information more effectively, the operation of the Internal Control System (ICS) and the Corporate Governance System (CGS), as well as in issues of the ‘Sustainable Development Policy’.
The main responsibilities of the Audit Committee are indicatively as follows:
- It monitors the process and the performance of the statutory audit ofthe financial statements of the Company. In this context, it informs the Board of Directors for the issues that arose from the performance of the statutory audit.
- It is responsible for the selection of certified auditors accountants or audit firms and the determination of their remuneration, and nominates the certified auditors accountants or the audit firms to be appointed.
- It oversees and monitors the independence of certified auditors accountants or audit firms and the appropriateness of non-audit services provided to the Company.
- monitors, reviews and evaluates the financial reporting preparation process, i.e. the production systems and mechanisms, and the flow and diffusion of the financial information produced by the Company’s organisational units involved.
- Assessment of the material issues and risks likely to impact the financial statements, and review of the Management’s critical accounting estimates and judgements in the preparation of the financial statements.
- supervises the implementation of the Corporate Governance System (CGS), adopted by the Board of Directors and evaluates periodically, at least every three (3) years, its implementation and effectiveness.
- It monitors the efficiency of the Internal Control System (ICS), principally through the work of the Internal Audit Unit and certified auditor accountant and submits its proposals, to the Company’s Board of Directors.
- It supervises and oversees the proper functioning of the Internal Audit Unit according to professional standards and in compliance with the current legal and regulatory framework, and evaluates its work, adequacy and efficiency, without however affecting its independence.
- It submits an Annual Activity Report in the Annual Financial Report of the Company and to the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders.
- It supervises and oversees the operation and work of the Compliance and Risk Management Units.
The Audit Committee currently consists of the following members:
- Nikolaos Charitos, Chairman of the Audit Committee and independent non-executive member of the BoD
- Constantine Gontikas, Member of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the BoD, independent non-executive member
- Emmanouil (Manos) Pelidis, Member of the Audit Committee and non-executive member of the BoD
Download the information on DIMAND’s Audit Committee Charter (available in Greek) on the following link.
Internal Audit
The Internal Audit Unit is an independent, impartial, assurance and advisory activity, designed to add value and improve Company’s operations. It helps the Company attain its goals by offering a systematic scientific approach to the assessment and improvement of risk management, internal control systems and corporate governance procedures.
Internal Audit Unit is an independent organizational unit within the Company. Chief Internal Auditor reports functionally to the Audit Committee and administratively to the CEO.
Internal Audit complies with the International Professional Practices Framework and the Code of Ethics (Code of Conduct) of the International Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and operates in accordance with its detailed Charter, as approved by the Board of Directors decision dated 24.03.2022.
Download the Curricula Vitae of the Chief Internal Auditor.
Remuneration & Nomination Committee
The Remuneration & Nomination Committee was established by decision of the Company’s Board of Directors and is responsible to assist the Board in the attraction of specialized executive staff for becoming a Board member as well as in performing its duties regarding the establishment and monitoring of the application of the remuneration policy of the Board members and the management team of the Company.
- Nikolaos Ηaritos, Chairman of the Committee and independent non-executive member of the BoD
- Polyxeni (Xenia) Kazoli, Member of the Committee and independent non-executive member of the BoD
- Emmanuel (Manos) Pelidis, Member of the Committee and non-executive member of the BoD
Download the DIMAND Remuneration & Nomination Committee Charter and the Remuneration Policy (available in Greek) on the following links.
Investor Relations & Corporate Announcements Unit
The Company has established the Investor Relations & Corporate Announcements Unit which has -amongst others- the following responsibilities:
The obligations to inform/disclose the investing public arising from the applicable stock market legislation and the relevant decisions of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.
The management of relations with the Company’s existing shareholders and the wider investing public.
The organization and conduct of the required presentations (ordinary and extraordinary) for the Company’s activities to existing shareholders as well as potential investors (private and institutional investors).
Following a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors on 31.05.2024, Mrs. Electra Demi (tel. +30 210 8774200, e-mail: has been appointed as the Company’s Investor Relations & Corporate Announcements Officer
Corporate Governance Code
DIMAND S.A following the 22.03.2022 decision of its Board of Directors has adopted and applies the Hellenic Corporate Governance Code of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council (an acknowledged body in accordance with the provisions of article 17 of Law 4706/2020 and article 4 of Decision 2/905 / 3.3.2021 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission’s Board of Directors) with the deviations which will be explicitly identified in the Corporate Governance Statement, included in the Annual Financial Report.
Download the Greek Corporate Governance Code on the following link.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Download the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (available in Greek).
Download DIMAND’s Whistleblowing Policy and Workplace non-discrimination, anti-harassment, and violence prevention policy (available in Greek) on the following links.
ESG Reports
Download DIMAND’s ESG Report.
Corporate Policy
Download DIMAND’s Corporate Policy.