
The historic property that housed the MINION department store, and is currently being developed by DIMAND, has come to life once again. The revitalized, environmentally-friendly building has been illuminated, taking part in the festive decoration of the capital city.

A few months before the completion of the project that will breathe new life into the broader area of Omonia, the iconic building at the intersection of Patision, Veranzerou, Dorou, and Satovriandou streets, carrying years of memories, has been illuminated, offering radiance and joy to the residents and visitors of the city.

The lighting design aimed to highlight the new architecture of the facades and create a nighttime landmark in the center of Athens, with environmental responsibility for energy consumption and light pollution.

In this modernized building, specially designed LED lighting systems have been employed, featuring an enriched spectrum (CRI 90) for optimal color performance. Simultaneously, precision optical control has been implemented to direct the light towards the building’s facades rather than the sky or surrounding properties.

While the illumination of the MINION coincides with the holiday season, it is set to persist as a permanent feature, constituting an integral part of the new image of Athens throughout the year. Transformations like this breathe life into the neighborhood and create the cities we want to live in, revitalizing iconic buildings and areas in need of rediscovering their splendor.