We could count it in 4,3 years, 51 months, 1570 days, 37.668 hours, 2.260.080 minutes… Or in tons of stamina, miles of endurance, levels of innovation. The result is a state-of-the art bioclimatic building that rewarded us with the highest certification in the rating system of USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council®). The LEED Platinum!
Realizing such a demanding and great project like the full development and project management of the Anangel Maritime New Headquarters required the implementation of many innovations. Green roof and vertical gardens, high reflecting roofing materials, the highest standards of quality for all materials, great water features that improve the microclimate, a new kind of terazzo for the indoor common areas ensuring the best quality of air, a horizontal geothermal system underneath the entire building footprint and a vertical geothermal system with almost 50 boreholes are only some of them. The parking areas have been equipped with power supplies for electric car charging. But it would not be possible to call the building highly sustainable if it was not for its very low energy and water consumptions. The building uses a combination of LED lighting, motion sensors and daylight sensors to reduce energy demand and highly efficient sanitary items combined with huge rain water cisterns to minimize potable water consumption.
The inclusion of secure bicycle racks, shower and changing facilities, a gym and pool area provide the opportunity for a healthy lifestyle.
In DIMAND we never cease dreaming, planning and realizing. Every journey creates a new benchmark. Every new path is a challenge accepted! Always proud to deliver! Once again awarded!