
DIMAND is a proud sponsor of the 3rd Energizer Night Run

The Energizer Night Run, a 5km loop route, took place in the centre of Athens, on Saturday, April 12th, 2014 for the third time. It was a moving celebration of light and life, giving the opportunity to 4.000 runners to make their most spectacular race.

DIMAND sponsored the 3rd Energizer Night Run which is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility program of Energizer and is co-organized with the City of Athens Cultural, Sport & Youth Organization (www.cityofathens.gr/opanda). This year the race was held for the support of Floga organization, the Pan Hellenic parents association of children with cancer (www.floga.org.gr)

At DIMAND, we are proud to have participated both as a running team and as a sponsor, supporting with all our efforts the social and athletic part of the race.